- Door schijn
bewogen. Naar een
hyperkritiek van de xenofobe rede. Kok Agora, |
2000 - Radicale middelmatigheid. Boom, Amsterdam |
2000 - On the border. Hollandia 1985-2000, Amsterdam |
2002 - Intermedialiteit. Over de grenzen van filosofie, kunst en politiek. CFK, Rotterdam |
2009 - Rotterdam Vakmanstad. Publiek onderzoek 2006-2008. Rotterdam 2008 |
"Als de geest in het vlees verdrinkt. Over Bacon en Bataille"(1988) |
"Het goddelijke lichaam"(1989) |
"Artaud en het theater van de wreedheid"(1991) |
"Wiener Aktionisme. De vleselijke verlichting van Hermann Nitsch"(1993) |
"Kunst als laatste ritueel? Bataille en de paradox van de avantgarde"(1994) |
"Al sprekend van wetenschap via literatuur naar filosofie. Een proeve van aporetisch schrijven"(1995) |
"Lof der veelstemmigheid"(1995) |
"Snijden in eigen vlees. De pornologische acinema van Ian Kerkhof"(1996) |
"Intermediale creativiteit" (2005) in: Gray Issue, nr. 0.00, Rietveld Academy, binnenkatern |
Public Existence of
Homo informans. On art in times of terror" (2005) |
als bevrijding van het denken. Foucaults anarchie tegen de almacht |
"Kritiek van de politieke rede. Lyotards (af)tastend denken"(1997) |
"Rotterdam. Planning en mobiliteit" (1996) |
"Over architectuur. Een voorlopige bestandsopname" (1997) |
"Bezorgde ouderen. Wonen en zorgen in 2010" (1998) |
"Reorganiseren: a beta state of mind" (1999) |
"Heterogeen bouwen" (1999) |
"Oedipus and the Dogon: Myth of Modernity interrogated" (1989) |
"Universalism and particularism. Holenstein against Foucault and Barthes" (1991) |
"No(w)here as
ideal place. On the relations between concepts, percepts and affects" |
"Fascism as the looming Shadow of Democracy. A Critique of Xenophobic Reason"(1997) |
"Performance, transformance, informance. Installing and informing the public body" (1997) |
"ICTheology and local interesse. Desacralizing Derrida's chora" (2001) |
"Beyond Autofundamentalism. In support of commobility" (2003) |
"The Public Existence of Homo informans. On art in times of terror" (2005) |
"From Interests to Inter-esse. Nancy on Deglobalization and Sovereignty" (2005) |
Art of Gambling as Art. Over Meidam en De Kroon"(1993) |
"Reflections of the inbetween" (1999) |
"Reflecting on the 'informe' and the 'inter'. On politico-theatrical conceptuality" (2001) |
"Art works. Making interesse public" (2001) |
"Hypo-Critical Theatre: Hollandia's Intermedial Multiverse" (2001) |
"Sens(a)ble Intermediality and Interesse. Towards on Ontology of the In-Between" (2003) |
"A Culture of the Inter. Japanese Notions of Ma and Basho" (2000) |
"Idea, ideal, ideology, Logistics of ideas" (1998) |
"Towards an Intermedial Philosophy" Manifest for the Design Economy (2001) |
"Act your Actuality!" (2003) |
"Video ergo sum!" (2003) |
"Untouched Culture. Desig(n)ature" (2005) |
"Imagineering the Library of (F)actuality" (2005) |
"Radical medi@crity |
"Dasein is Design. Must designers save the world?" Premsela lezing 2009 |
La medida de los medios |
La informatización |
"The digital dimension" with Derrick De Kerckhove (Rotterdam 1996) |
"New Economy - the redefinition of politics, citizenship and the subject" with Michael Hardt (Rotterdam 1999) |
"Anaesthetics 0.1 Man as medium of all media?" (Napels/Vico 2000) |
"Actual intermediality The Gesamtkunstwerk as lifestyle" (New York 2000) |
"The artificiality of life. Bacon's art through the eyes of Bataille and Deleuze" (Atlanta 2001) |
"Performance, transformance, Informance. New Theatrical Concepts" (Münster 2001) |
"Intermedial aesthetics" video conference with Jean-Luc Nancy (Montreal 2002) |
"Actual Intermedialitity and Inter-esse: Towards an Aesthetics of Existence" (Miami 2002) |
"Media and Terror. One year after"(Amsterdam 2002) |
"The end of the body: Serial killing and mediatization"(Montréal 2003) |
"Are Sumo fighters wrestling obesity? On practices of becoming-matter"(Rotterdam 2003) |
"Interculturalism" at Eye to Eye"(London 2004) |
"Radical medi@crity"(Berlin 2005) |
"Japanese Inter-Esse: 'MA' as In-Between"(Berlin 2005) |
"How to remember Derrida?" (Helsinki 2005) |
"The circulus vitiosus of fundamentalisms. Or how to undo the noose that ties up power, greed and fear?" (Nijmegen 2005) |
Paul Celan und die Intermedialität (1998) |
Die Politik der Sphäre? Co-referaat bei Sloterdijk (2000) |
Next Nature: radikale Mediokrität (2006) |