- Interesse, intermediality and transformance. How to get beyond
Lyotard's (post)avantgardism? IAPL 23rd
Annual Conference Sites, Hartford (Connecticut) USA, 12th may
- Actual intermediality The Gesamtkunstwerk as lifestyle, 24th
Annual Conference Crossing Borders State University of New
York at Stony Brook, IAPL, New York 9 -13th May 2000
- Philosophy & Arts, IAPL Atlanta USA, The artificiality of
life. Bacon's art through the eyes of Bataille and Deleuze, 25th
Annual Conference IAPL 'Beginnings', Atlanta, Spellman College,
2nd-6th May 2001
- Actual Intermedialitity and Inter-esse: Towards an Aesthetics
of Existence, American Society for Aesthetics, 60th Annual Meeting,
University of Miami
(USA), 30th October till 2nd November 2002
- Plenary debate Inter-esse: beyond borderlines with Rosi Braidotti,
Dominique Janicaud, Heinz Kimmerle and Slavoj Zizek, IAPL
26th Annual Conference 'Intermedialities', Erasmus University Rotterdam,
8th june 2002.
- Organization Special panel "The Virtuality of Form and the Political"
with Ignaas Devisch, Ike Kamphof, Aukje van Rooden, Frans van Peperstraaten,
IAPL 28th Annual Conference Virtual Materialities, Syracuse, USA,
May 24th, 2004.
- Anaesthetics 0.1 Man as medium of all media?, Napels/Vico,
symposium Turnings, Tournants, Svolte, Wendungen Instituto
Philosophia & IAPL, 13th January 2000
- New Theatrical Realities, Taormina Sicilië, EU theatreprize,Theatergroep
Hollandia, 6-9th April 2000.
- Performance, transformance, Informance. New Theatrical Concepts,
Kronjuwelen, Münster Theaterfestival, Münster, 5
oktober 2001
- "Radical medi@crity" and "Japanese Inter-Esse: 'MA' as In-Between"
voor Transmediale.05 BASICS Berlin, February 5, 2005 Haus der Kulturen
der Welt
- Lesung "Radikale Mediokritلt" presentation Power Show 'Next
Nature', Zeche Zollverein, 23 juni 2006, Essen, Germany.
- Intermedial aesthetics, lecture at La nouvelle sphère
intermediatique IV, Ménoires et Médiations. Entre L'Europe
et les Ameriques, Centre de recherche sur l'intermedialité
(CRI), Montreal
(Can) and planery video conference with Jean-Luc Nancy, 9-13 October
- "The end of the body: Serial killing and mediatization" on the Conference
'L'Anomalie : figure du tueur en sىrie et imaginaire contemporain',
30-10, 31-10, 1-11 2003, Universitى Concordia, Montrىal
(QC), Canada
- Theatre 'Informe'. Hypocritical Reflection on Contemporary Theatre
op symposium Postdramatic Theatre, Universiteit van Antwerpen,
Instituut Aisthesis, Antwerpen 1 september 2000
- Intermedialiteit voor Studiecentrum voor de Hedendaagse Kunst,
sectie Kunstwetenschappen van de Universiteit Gent, in kader van Itenera
- Onderzoekstrajecten voor de Hedendaagse Kunst, 19 dec. 2002.
- "Measuring the Monstrous. Rescaling Sloterdijk's Grandiose Aesthetic
Strategy" In Measuring the Monstrous: Peter Sloterdijk's Jovial Modernity.
With Eric Alliez, Thomas Macho, Henk Oosterling, Robert Pfaller, Bruno
Latour, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and Arts, Bruxelles,
23 february 2007
- Lezing "Arts & crafts als interesse. Kleine pedagogie van gericht
reflectieve tasten" in Jean-Luc Nancy, de kunst van het denken, Colloquium
Fenomenologie. poetica en ethiek, 20 december 2007, Gent.
- Organization Special panel "Rewriting Aesthetics: information, informe,
informance" with Richard de Brabander, Piet Molendijk, Marc de Kesel
and Awee Prins, IAPL 27th Annual Conference Writing Aesthetics, Leeds,
Great-Britain, May 28, 2003.
- Lecture 'Interculturalism' at Eye to Eye. Global Conference on Cultural
relations. British Council and Counterpoint, 2-4 november 2004, London
- Organization Special panel "Co-incidental Cross-references" 6th
June 2005 With: Ignaas Devisch, Ike Kamphof, Aukje van Rooden, Marc
Schuilenburg, Chiasmatic Encounters, IAPL 29th Annual Conference Helsinki
Finland 2-7 June 2005
- Lecture "How to remember Derrida?" Memorial Session on Derrida,
"Co-incidental Cross-references" Chiasmatic Encounters, IAPL 29th
Annual Conference Helsinki Finland 2-7 June 2005.
- "The circulus vitiosus of fundamentalisms". Or how to undo the noose
that ties up power, greed and fear? Key lecture International Conference
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Organizations and Demons, Standing
Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS) XXIV 2006, 12-15 july,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands.